
La escuela primaria Nro. 19 les da la bienvenida a todas las familias, a nuestro espacio virtual .Esperamos que disfruten y puedan navegar por nuestro blog. Muchas Gracias. Abrazo.Nos veremos prontito. Equipo docente.

sábado, 28 de marzo de 2020

6to A, B, C Inglés/ Prof. Karina Sandoval Actividad 1

Hello Children!!! Por favor copien lo siguiente en sus carpetas. Luego hagan click en el link y completen. Thank you!!! Mail to: tareasdelateacher@gmail.com (El propósito del mail es para dudas y si pueden le sacan una foto a la hoja terminada y la adjuntan)

Today is_______
My name is_______

The days of the week: listen and complete. (Escuchen y completen)

_______ the start of my holiday
Freedom for just one week
Feels good to get away ooh
 _______ I saw her down on the beach
I stood and watched a while
And she looked and smiled at me

_______I didn't see her
I hoped that she'd be back tomorrow

And then on _______ 
My luck had changed
She stood there all alone
I went and asked her name

I never thought that this could happen to me
In only seven days
It would take a hundred or more
For memories to fade
I wish _______ would last for ever
I held her close to me
I couldn't bear to leave her there
_______ just twenty four hours
Oh no I'm going back home on _______
Ooh so sad alone