
La escuela primaria Nro. 19 les da la bienvenida a todas las familias, a nuestro espacio virtual .Esperamos que disfruten y puedan navegar por nuestro blog. Muchas Gracias. Abrazo.Nos veremos prontito. Equipo docente.

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2020

6to A, B, C Inglés/ Prof. Karina Sandoval

 Mail to: tareasdelateacher@gmail.com 

Today is _____________, ________________ _____ 

It is  __________________ and  __________________ 

My name is__________________________ I am in 6th_____ (escriban A, B o C)

Watch and listen the song "Follow me" by Muse https://youtu.be/5kH0OEJxUlE 
Complete the first stanza with the verbs in ( ) in Present Simple
Then, if you want, translate for you the rest of the song (si tenés ganas traducís el resto)
When darkness (fall)____
And (surround )__________ you
When you (fall )______down
When you (be )______scared
And you (be lost)_______, be brave
I (be)_______ coming to hold you now
When all your strength (have) ______ gone
And you (feel)_______ wrong
Like your life (have)______ slipped away
Follow me
You can follow me
And I will not desert you now
When your fire's died out
No one's there
They have left you for dead
Follow me
You can follow me
I will keep you safe
Follow me
You can follow me
I will protect you
I won't let them hurt
Hurting you, no
Ooh yeah
When your heart is breaking...
You can follow me
You can follow me
I will always keep you safe
Follow me
You can trust in me
I will always protect you, my love
Feel my love

Please, leave your opinion...

😍I loved it
😞I didn't like it

I want to be a _______________________ (¿Cuál es tu sueño para el futuro?, ¿qué querés ser?)