
La escuela primaria Nro. 19 les da la bienvenida a todas las familias, a nuestro espacio virtual .Esperamos que disfruten y puedan navegar por nuestro blog. Muchas Gracias. Abrazo.Nos veremos prontito. Equipo docente.

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2020

6to A, B, C Inglés/ Prof. Karina Sandoval

PARA TRABAJAR DEL 5/10 al 15/10 DE 2020
Mail to: tareasdelateacher@gmail.com

Today is_______________, ________________ _____
It is  __________________ and  __________________
My name is__________________________
I am in 6th_____ (escriban A, B o C)

October is here... 

Let's talk about Halloween... Do you like Halloween? Do some research...

When is it celebrated?
What are the principal objects used in Halloween?
What costume would you like to wear in a Halloween party?
What does terrify you the most? 
What do children collect on Halloween?
What does "sweet or trick" mean?

Can you name some of these Halloween objects? ( YES, YOU CAN PAINT THEM...)

Today is_______________, ________________ _____
It is  __________________ and  __________________
My name is__________________________
I am in 6th_____ (escriban A, B o C)

Esta historia corta será desarrollada en el grupo de Whatsapp en tres ( o más clases). Antes de comenzar deberán buscar y confeccionar un glosario (vocabulario) para no retrasarse en la lectura comprensiva y disfrutar del relato que haré en cada caso...


Alone School Horror Story

This incident happened to me one year ago our final exams were coming up and I still needed to do a lot more preparation usually our school library would close by 5:00. But because of the exams, the school decided that the library would be kept open until midnight. so that if kids wanted they could stay to study and prepare for the exams. My house wasn't far away from the school. so instead of studying at home, I preferred studying in the quiet calm library and mostly prepared for the exams there. that day I left my house at6 o clock and soon reached the library to prepare for the exams.

I was so absorbed in studying. I didn't realize that it was now 10 o'clock. I had never stayed in the library for that long. usually, I would be on my way home at around 8 even at 8 o clock there would be at least some students in the library. but at 10 there was absolute silence. I only had about 10 to 15 minutes of work left. so I decided I'll just finish this quickly and then return home. I was completely lost in my work. when I heard someone limping. I quickly grabbed my books and ran out of the library...

There's a very long corridor outside our school library at the end of that corridor when you turn right you'll find the school exit door. I went through the corridor and was quickly getting near the exit when. I saw women standing at the end of that corridor. I didn't know who she was but as I got nearer I felt more and more uncomfortable I got so uncomfortable that I called out who's there as soon. as I said that she was gone within a few seconds I sighed a breath of relief and continued out the front door. due to exhaustion and hunger, I couldn't even walk properly... 

Today is_______________, ________________ _____
It is  __________________ and  __________________
My name is__________________________
I am in 6th_____ (escriban A, B o C)

Alone School Horror Story 

But I noticed that the street was strangely completely empty which was extremely odd because the street is normally very busy even at night you can see people walking on the street DJ panic in fear I kept looking at the ground while walking I was nearly home when suddenly I saw a shadow on the ground stretching out to me even though there was no one around me.

When I lifted my head I saw a woman walking in front of me I found her very strange she looked as if she was disabled and that she was having trouble walking and she was walking so slowly that I caught up to her in no time now. I was so close to her that I could see her clearly she was wearing tattered dirty clothes and her hands and feet were wisted also her hair looked very messy found it so strange.

That I stopped in my tracks my gut was telling me over and over not to go any closer to this woman I didn'teven have the courage to overtake her and walk on[Music]I was frozen I couldn't utter a word due to shock my brain went numb I didn't know how to answer her strange question out of fear pointed far .away to the woman over there I just wanted her to go away she lived to where I had pointed to her and she walked so far away that I couldna see her anymore I was terrified of the thought that he might appear in front of me again...

Today is_______________, ________________ _____
It is  __________________ and  __________________
My name is__________________________
I am in 6th_____ (escriban A, B o C)

Alone School Horror Story

So I ran as fast as I could at that point my brain couldn't think about anything else other than finding someone who could help me a car or person or anyone and then at that moment I heard that woman screaming from far away yeah after that I remember nothing. when I became conscious I found out that my neighbor found me passed out on the ground and he brought me home.

I found aside from him that in 1998 there were a32-year-old women named Agathashe had a 10-year-old daughter who also went to Eden Hill school one-day while playing with her friends she had an accident and did Agatha couldn't bear the thought of losing her child[Music]after that Agatha's goes to a scene roaming around in Eden Hills CO and the surrounding. Area looking for her lost child she's still wandering hoping to be reunited with her daughter once again...