
La escuela primaria Nro. 19 les da la bienvenida a todas las familias, a nuestro espacio virtual .Esperamos que disfruten y puedan navegar por nuestro blog. Muchas Gracias. Abrazo.Nos veremos prontito. Equipo docente.

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2020

6to A, B, C Inglés/ Prof. Karina Sandoval

PARA TRABAJAR DEL 15/10 al 31/10 DE 2020
Mail to: tareasdelateacher@gmail.com

Today is_______________, ________________ _____
It is  __________________ and  __________________
My name is__________________________
I am in 6th_____ (escriban A, B o C)

Alone School Horror Story
Reading comprehension

Answer these questions

 a) Where does it happen?
 b) In what particular part of that place?
 c) When does it happen?
 d) Are you afraid of being alone?

a)? It happens at .......
b) In the ..........
c) It happens in 20....
d) Yes, I am / No, I am not (Here you circle the correct answer)

True or false and correct
Example: That day the main character went to the library to meet some friends. That day the main character went to the library to study for final exams.

a) Suddenly, the main character saw a child in the end of the corridor.
b) It was 10 o'clock in the evening.
c) The street was crowded with people.
d) The main character heard a man screaming from far away.

Write the verbs in ( ) in past and then put the events in order
Example: I ( be) ......... absorbed in studying. I was absorbed in studying. (event number 3)

a) I quickly (grab)....... my books and (run)...... out of the library.

b) I (find )........ out that she (lose).... her daughter in 1998.

c) This incident (happen)...... to me one year ago.

d) The school (decide).......... that the library would be kept open until midnight. 

e) The girl (is) ....... 10 years old and (have)..... an accident.

f) I (see)....... a woman standing at the end of that corridor.

Can you illustrate a scene of this story? (Cada alumno elige un pasaje de la historia y lo ilustra a la vez que cuenta lo que pasa en ella)

Example: It was 5 o'clock and I was in the library studying. ( Se puede dibujar a un alumno/alumna sentado en una biblioteca estudiando muy concentrado...)